
blog: the beginning

Ah yes. So this is the first of my entries. Welcome! It is exhaustingly hot out there. Good thing I'm staying inside like a good little nerd. Today, after taking my cat to the vet, I spend my afternoon in the Media Studies library and read interesting books with interesting sentences like "...cybersex is nowadays part of the internet user's everyday vocabulary..." and wondered what kind of people these authors really are... I'm hoping to get my essay on "racial stereotypes in games" done by tomorrow for Media Education class. It's already late about 5 days...but who counts. I might post a synopsis here when it's done. The subject is super juicy. Reminds me of Yahtzee's lovely "Uncharted is for white suprematists"-review here.

Alan Wake was published today, and so was my shortish Alan Wake-story in the paper. My bf is super disappointed that the game is not yet delivered (despite of pre-ordering it). I'm mostly relieved since I haven't finished playing the 3 games (Dante's Inferno, Uncharted 2 and Little Big Planet) we bought on Wednesday. Where to find the time, when I'm supposed to "study" (read: play all nights) RPG videogames for my thesis as well.

In the summer I'll be also working in a project studying gaming culture in Finland, which is btw my dream job. I hope to get good stuff done there. Gaming culture means a lot of things. Part of it is focusing on the evolution of gaming from the early 80's to present day. What ever is around or in the gaming is alo interesting: gaming/game culture usually discusses stuff like gender and age, stuff that are still, 2010, dealt falsely (mostly in media). Even the bloodiest and scariest games are considered kids' stuff, and female gamers aren't thought to exist even though there's a hell of a lot of us. I'll be glad to help to destroy these assumptions as much as I can. And hopefully I will, through my work.

Btw, all the people applying for the job were women. Just saying.

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